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Why needs custom gift boxes?

custom gift boxes

Why many companies like custom gift boxes? What’s in it for them?

Green leaves Gift Boxes to answer: whether selling at the high end or at the low end product. First of all, The product needs to be different from your competitors, so that consumers can quickly recognize.

However, when you compare the products with your competitors, the appearance and function differ very little. In many cases, you and your competitors are purchase the goods from the same factory.

Therefore, Distinguish products with different packaging is necessary. With the difference, customers can identify different product when buying. At the same time, The packaging style design indicates what you choose customer group . Every crowd always has a soft spot for a certain design. The example is a shampoo company. The same company always sells shampoo products in different packaging to different groups of people.

Are they help for you? If you have new ideas for packaging design, such as want to increase the value of your products and increase sales. Green leaves gift boxes with a full range of services for you.

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